Make an Appointment: [email protected] | 701.989.7124

  • About Paul Polanski

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    My Mission

    Envision beginning your day, leaving home, and heading to the office.  You’re tired, unfocused, and anxious.  As you make it to the office, sitting in the parking lot, you begin ruminating about who you will run into, what errands you’ll have to run, how many times your partner will text you, whose picking up the kids after school, and how far behind you are on that project, you start to feel panic.  As you gather your belongings and approach the office, you stop, engulfed in mental turmoil, with a myriad of negative thoughts. During this chaos, a momentary stillness occurs, a beacon of clarity emerges, and amidst the tranquility, a solitary question arises: “Am I on the right path?”

    This question is part of the human experience.  It comes to us all at various junctures in our lives. Trauma, depression, anxiety, and interpersonal challenges have the potential to compound everyday pressures. However, you are not alone on this journey. Much like the masterless samurai known as Ronin, you possess the capacity to embark upon a new chapter, embracing the essence of a warrior and living a life of honor, courage, and purpose.

    Let me help you find your true path. Drawing upon evidence-based methodologies and innovative approaches, I collaborate with you to craft a tailored plan. Together, we address the barriers holding you back from living your best life.  

    Are You Ready To Take The First Step?

    Reach Out Today!

    Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
    I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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